Why some men have an extremely success to women? Casanova knows!
In 73 years of life, he made love with 132 women, including noblewomen, actresses, dancers, chambermaids, Greek slaves, five sisters and their mother, a transvestite, a hunchback, a nymphomaniac and some nuns! Unlike the fictitious Don Juan, Giacomo Casanova was not a sexual predator. He was in loved with most of the women he had and his purpose was to satisfy them.
If you don't have enough time to read all the 12 Casanova's autobiographical volumes, you have to find out at least the 10 Commandments that made him so special for over 200 years!
1. In order to make a woman feel special, do something special
When you want to impress a woman, do not ever say: "So ... what do you want to do now?" A real Casanova has always a plan; he doesn't hesitate and knows what the next step is. In this way, the woman gains trust in him and lets herself dominated with pleasure. In order to seduce a woman, as the old conqueror was saying, imagine that you must ask her to be your wife and organize the evening as you think best (except for the ring).
2. The privacy is sexy
A flattered woman is almost conquered. And nothing flatters more a woman than the moment she feels that she captured the entire attention of a man. If you invite her out, there's no sense to share the evening with other friends. Go with her somewhere away from the noise, from other couples, from everything that could distract her attention. A woman is herself only in privacy.
3. Let her feel fascinated by the fact that...you're fascinated by her
Casanova was inviting women in rooms full of light and mirrors so that they enjoy their image from all angles possible. Also, a woman feels sexier when she looks in a mirror. If there are no mirrors, than you must become yourself a mirror in which she can admire herself. What do you mean? It means that you should show her what her effect on you is: smile her from time to time, pay attention to her and don't ask to her questions (make her think that you can't hear her because of her fascination). If the girl is nice, don't say that to her, because everybody tells her that. Say her that she's intelligent and you'll be in advantage.
4. Ask her what she is thinking about
Show her that your interest for her is deeper than the appearance. That she is not just an ornament. When you perceive a woman as a simple object, you have the tendency to focus more on yourself and then you're not a Casanova. Seducing a woman took many hours for Casanova, time in which he knew what to ask and how to listen. The reason why women found Casanova as being fascinating was the fact that he considered them fascinating! It's easy to make a woman speak about herself. You just have to ask questions with an open-end and then shut up. The old conqueror was touching first the soul of a woman before daring to touch anything else.
5. Don't grudge now!
If she accepted to go out with you, don't count your pennies in front of her. Exaggerate with your attention. These exaggerations consist in small, but important details: caviar, an expensive present at the first date, the most expensive champagne from the menu. Once she accepted them, she will accept the others (from the bedroom). It's enough to make her fall into sin a little (by a sumptuous dinner, for example), as she will fall into sin again.
6. Pay attention to her senses
Casanova was using aphrodisiacs. He was perfuming the room with tuberose because it was believed that this flower stimulates the sexual appetite and he was also serving oysters and champagne. He was making her talk- don't forget that any woman enjoys the music of her own voice- and, from time to time, he was touching her slightly to remember her of his presence...
So, pay attention to the 5 senses of the woman next to you. Each of them has a small engine that you have to warm.
7. Be patient!
Although Casanova was excited by women who weren't wearing a corset, but only a lance shirt, he wasn't impatient. He thought that if you taste the pleasure too soon, you can't taste it entirely. So you must know that the foreplay does not start with 60 seconds before the sexual act and it not even starts in the bedroom. It begins from the first moment of the date.
8. Play!
The food and drinks ordered by Casanova were mostly sexual hints: oysters, soft cheese, ripped, juicy fruits, sparkling wines. One reason was that he was enjoying seeing a woman eating this kind of food. Another reason was that he was excited by the entire game. When a slippery oyster was falling in her décolletage, he was offering himself to take it from there. Casanova knew that sex is not a serious thing, but a game for adults. So, when you ask her out to eat something, remember that the foreplay has already started, Eat both one from the other's hand, drink from the same glass...
9. Be spontaneous!
Casanova was patient, but he wasn't loosing any occasion. When a woman offers herself to you, forget about all the other Commandments and enjoy your luck.
10. Offer her sexy gifts
Casanova was buying to women sexy underwear, giving them a reason to try them. Thus, the game was starting. Don't offer to a woman very serious presents from the start: books, fur coats. It's enough to give her something ethereal, a silk scarf, a sexy bodysuit. Ask her to try the outfit in the bathroom and let her make a fascinating presentation. She will already be excited.
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